Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hello to all my readers & readettes!


Well actually I have a few...
First of all, I am changing Toddler Tuesdays, to Two Kids Tuesday.. I think it sounds catchy (wink)! 
Secondly, we are still NOT sharing the sex of our baby.. but I have an idea!

So many people are upset or bothered and think we are somehow being unfair regarding the gestation of our second child, but I think its fun to not share all of the details right up front!  

We are not having a baby shower, we are doing the west African tradition of a Naming Ceremony.  My husband is Nigerian, and his father will facilitate and it will be great!  That is when we share with all whom we love the name, and as tradition goes, the story of our child.  The invites to the Naming Ceremony will reveal the sex of my second child!  Great right!?  OF COURSE IT IS!

There is still the last 2-3 months of waiting that my friends, co-workers, family and you will continue to endure, so why not put a challenge on the table.... *dunh dunh dduuuuunnnnhhhh*

So many of my people... "KNOW" what the baby is.  I assure you everyone has a 50/50 chance of being correct.  My thought is.. put your money where your mouth is, in a fun interactive way!  Here are the rules:

So you THINK YOU KNOW?! Contest

To enter you will submit ONE TIME ONLY, your pick of the sex of my baby!  In the comments section below please write the following.

Your choice of sex
Your name & our relationship (church, work, friend, family, reader etc)

If you are right.. you get the rights to bring it up at anytime and say 'I told you so' all you want too! 

If you are wrong.. you have to put in $10, in the "I REALLY HAD NO IDEA" jar at the naming ceremony and/or work and/or when you see me!

So what'dya say!?  You think you know.. let's see if you're right!

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